Schools out, what's next?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

                Here's a fun little horse that Keith has been trimming for a while. Meet Cinco, who also doubles as a Musk Ox, among other costumes. More info to follow.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Here's my first real post/case study

This horse had a been almost non weight bearing on his left fore leg.
The vet radio-graphed both front legs, and found no bone damage, arthritis etc. A few day earlier, the vet had seen the horse and after nerving (numbing until sound) the horse all the way up to the pastern, it was determined that the injury was not in the hoof. Given the symptoms it was decided by the vet that the horse needed some relief of a possible sore deep flexor tendon. while we were working the vet finally located a source of pain just below the fetlock joint in what could be the deep flexor tendon or one of the  sesamoidean ligaments.

Coop with just one shoe 
Keith was asked to put on a aluminium  bar shoe's with a rocker toe and a raised heel. The shoes are meant to relive pressure on the possibly damaged tendon. Here are some pictures.

Both front feet were given the aluminium  bar shoes with the rocker toe and raised heel. Cooper (the horse) was sent home walking a little better. He's supposed to be on rest for what could be the next few months.  

 My name's Heather Collins, I started this blog as a chronicle of my new life as a farrier. I graduated from Montana State University Bozeman Farrier school in fall 2009, and am now serving as an apprentice to Keith Fremlin.
  While we were at school our professor, instructor, mentor, wrangler, and stand up comedian, Tom Wolf had kept a photo log of his 30 plus years of farrier work.  I decided that that was something that I too would like, so here goes .